If I have my name legally changed to Steven can I be part of the AXIS?

Originally published Wednesday December, 6th 2006

If I have my name legally changed to Steven can I be part of the AXIS? (I can always take the place of “The Steve that should not be named”.

-Future canidate of the axis Smith

Dear Agent Smith,

It seems you’ve got the Axis of Stevil figured out all wrong. The Axis of Stevil isn’t a self-righteous, exclusive group of Stevens, but rather a collection of creative, aware individuals that have a strong sense of duty for the community. We believe that the best way to bring about positive change in the world is to start locally.

The Axis of Stevil not asking anyone to conform; be it attire, attitude, or anyone’s given name. The Axis of Stevil supports those that come up with their own ideas. An idea can snowball into something that, through teamwork, can be executed successfully.

In the end, what we’re really trying to say is be yourself. If you can do that for us, then there would be no problem in naming you Honorary Can-i-Date Smith of The Axis of Stevil.


The Axis of Stevil

Contributors: Dick (Featured image), Stevil (Copywriting), Graham (Copywriting)

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